Painting a small color study is so essential to starting a bigger painting. I really have embraced this process. The only times that I would skip painting a color study or a composition study when I am so sure of what needs to be done and because I need all the days that I have with the model.
Color Study. Kat – 9 x 12 inches
Another good reason for small study is that it gives me time to plan for an appropriate painting surface. I usually have a few different canvases or panels ready to go, but sometimes I may need a few days to prepare one.
Besides painting each day, I read about artists from the past. There are many ways to improve one’s painting; one way is to study how artists lived and read what they wrote.
John left us a few hundred oil paintings for the living. He also wrote extensively and much of his writing is now accessible freely thanks to the internet.
For those of you that are interested in learning more about John Singer Sargent, I am listing a number of references that I have found on this post and update it as needed.
Congratulations and thank you for purchasing The Hampshire House. Although there are now taller skyscrapers in and around the Billionaires’ Row NYC, the Hampshire House is one of the best looking one. May this painting bring you much love and happiness. Thank you.
My next painting, Paul’s Daughter, is now on view and available for sale — Paul’s Daughter is a classic Coney Island boardwalk restaurant, serving clams on the half shell, corndogs, hot dogs, Italian ices, funnel cakes, beers and things for over six decades. This painting was executed this summer while waiting for those enjoying the Coney Island amusement park.
The Hampshire House – Sold
9 inches x 12 inches
Holiday show update – My first painting, Composition Two, found a new home. Congratulations to the collector and Thank you for supporting my work and The Art Students League of New York. May the painting bring you much joy and happiness.
My next painting, The Hampshire House, is now on view and available for sale. This painting was completed on a sunny day in September of this year, standing from a baseball field located inside Central Park.
Composition Two – Sold
30 inches x 30 inches
It’s that time of the year once again! This painting is ‘on Sale’ at the Art Students League of New York. Come and see—and for a chance to collect—works by many talented artists.
For the past several years, I have participated in showing my paintings at the Art Students League’s Holiday Show. Throughout the year, I dedicate my best waking hours painting portraits, but I get out of my way to paint at least one specific painting for the League’s Holiday show. This year, I painted this one after getting inspired after canoeing across a lake full of water lilies.
After years of painting, I am happy, grateful, and excited to paint every day. There are many ways to measure success—for me is to paint as much as I can.
My yardstick for measuring success is the square footage of painting surface that I covered with oil paint.
Life can be perceived simple when looking at a simple painting like this one, but surrounding this is a ‘complex’ election year. There are many important topics that are being weighed: the border control, guns, wars, the legality of abortion, truth and lies.
This world would have been a boring place if nobody bother to create music, paint beautiful things, or dance to songs.
The following color study was completed about 10 days ago, in preparation for the final painting above.
Here is the same portrait after about 2 days, roughly 6 hours, of painting from a live model. This is one of My favorite stage of any portrait sitting—everything is super loose, I am not committed to anything, but just seeing and painting.
And, then follows a slower—but lovely—stage of looking and painting until the portrait is completed, or the time with the model ends.
This is a painting of a candy seller and her daughter, but their faces are a collection of many portraits.
Sometime ago, there were only a few migrants with young children wrapped around on their backs, selling candy from one New York City subway station to another. Then, the migrants arrived in thousands. Just in 2023, more than 100,000 migrants have arrived in New York City, and more to other cities. Unable to find legitimate work, migrants are struggling.
Why did they leave everything behind and crossed the southern border? Faced with undeniable danger or the fantasies of utopia hidden beneath the complicated U.S. policies and politics, migrants have risked everything and traveled the dangerous path to cross the U.S. southern border.
Today, securing the U.S. border is prioritized among other world crises. Many Americans don’t agree on securing the border. Some welcome the migrants, some don’t. Caught between these two ideas are real people who have become political pawns as the 2024 presidential election looms.